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Artificial Teeth











   NTC – Dental Lab Supplies – Waxes:













Gator Wax
Dip and Buld-Up Waxes

Gator Waxes are tough and durable, yet incredibly carvable. They don’t
shrink towards bulk – so they won’t pull away from the sides of the die.
Once they’re applied, low surface tension helps them adhere to all surfaces, producing a seamless, gapless fit. And because of their
minimal shrinkage and distortion, you can wax cases today, then invest them at your convenience.
Because they are from the same family, yellow Dip Wax and blue Build-Up Wax can be used
separately or blended together to create a green wax that is both tough and carveable and useful in many applications.
Casting Wax
Dipping Wax
For Clean, accurate margins
- Has a melting range of 135ºF - 145ºF
  (57ºC - 63ºC).
- Resists shrinkage and stable.
- Fluidity allows flow into cervical areas.
- Elastic and flexible.
  Enhanced Margin Visibility And Uniform Thickness
- Has a melting range of 170ºF - 180ºF
  (77ºC - 82ºC)
- Produces uniform thickness (.3mm - .4mm)
  within given temperature range.
- Does not thin at the corners.
- Doesn’t have margin lift.
- Has elasticity/memory to pull from undercut   without distortion.
- Gives visual cue to judge thickness.
- Melts at higher temperature than carving
- Drains quickly and cleanly.

Modelling Waxes
For all Types of Application


StarWax D Dipping Wax

Highly elastic – ideal for fabricating uniformly.
Granulate for comfortable dosing.

StarWax C cervical wax

A further development of the well known Gründler wax.
Unattainable precision of fit – this elastic material is guaranteed to reproduce the cervical margin precisely. An ideal base wax for all applications.

StarWax M Milling Wax

Outstanding milling and carving properties.
Highly elastic, reproduces shapes exactly.
Smooth surfaces – will not smear.

StarWax CB Carving Wax

Ideal carving properties.
Short melting range, can be applied optimally in spots or larger surfaces.
Highly resilient – no risk of fracturing.
Fatigue-resistant during working.
CB green: traditional coloring/ purely organic
CB blue: traditional coloring/ purely organic
CB red: traditional coloring/ purely organic
CB beige: tooth-colored aesthetic wax, purely organic
CB grey: highly opaque with an extremely low percentage of inorganic components
General instructions for use

Cast Partial Denture
Competence Through Experience


The successful system
Remanium® and Rema®

The expansion values of our investment materials complement our remanium ® alloys exactly. This also applies for important components such as the duplicating materials. A whole range of materials and machines completes this cast partial denture system.

Biocompatible dental restorations
Safety due to certified quality

Alloys, investment materials, waxes and duplicating materials are produced in-house at Dentaurum in Ispringen, under strict quality controls. The use of pure raw materials and the thorough examination of each and every batch guarantees the consistently high quality of our products.

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