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MTA based root canal sealer

For the filling of root canal.

Ref. 828 - MTA Fillapex 12g + mixing pad + 20 automix tips.
Ref. 827 - MTA Fillapex refill 4g + 5 automix tips.
- Double syringe with self-mixing tips.
- Paste/Paste.
- Excellent radiopacity.
- Easy handling.
- Great working time: allows long endodontics treatments.
- Only root canal sealer that promotes cementum regeneration.
Techinque for use
1. Root canal preparation: Prior to insertion of MTA-FILLAPEX, the root canal should be
    prepared, cleaned and dried, according to the selected endodontic technique.
2. Mixing: Performed by the self-mixing tip attached to the syringe. Use the cement
    immediately after mixing and dispensing by the syringe.
    Warning: the self-mixing tip must be discarded after use.
3. Insertion: Use MTA FILLAPEX with gutta-percha or silver points, coating them with a thin
    layer of the cement and filling the root canal according to the selected technique. MTA
    FILLAPEX can be applied in the root canal with a Lentulo spiral or, directly, with an
    applicator tip adapted to the self-mixing tip.
4. Removal of the root canal filling: Use the conventional techniques for the removal of gutta-
   percha fillings.
5. Working time: 30 minutes.
6. Setting time: Minimum of 120 minutes (two hours).
Frequent Doubts

1. How important is the presence of MTA in the composition of this material?
    MTA was released in 1998 in the world market and became a true Endodontics miracle,
    which was confirmed by scientifically proven results.Its MTA -based composition provides
    a perfect sealing (through expansion during setting), sealing integrity (due to the low
    solubility of MTA ), high biological regeneration (due to calcium ion release and
    antibacterial properties).

2. Does MTA Fillapex replace MTA Reparative Cement?
    No. MTA Fillapex is an endodontic sealer, while MTAm Reparative Cement is specifically
    indicated for perforation treatment, apical plug and pulp capping.

3. What is the working time?
    The working time of MTA Fillapex is 35 minutes, adequate for both the endodontist and
    the general practitioner.

4. What is the setting time?
   The setting time is two and a half hours. Important: MTA Fillapex only sets in contact with
   moisture. Inside the root canal, this moisture is originated from the dentinal tubules and
   periapical tissues. MTA Fillapex does not set completely on the mixing pad.

5. Can MTA Fillapex be used without gutta-percha points?
   The use without cones is only indicated in selected cases, because if the partial removal
   of the canal obturation is necessary for the purpose of post cementation, such procedure
   is difficult to perform.

6. How is the radiopacity of MTA Fillapex?
    MTA Fillapex has one of the greatest radiopacities among the cements of the market.

7. Can MTA Fillapex be used with thermoplasticized gutta-percha?
    The boiling point of MTA Fillapex is 150 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is kept below
    this limit, MTA Fillapex can be used.

8. Is MTA Fillapex biocompatible with the tissues?
    Yes. It has two components that ensure biocompatibility: Mineral Trioxide Aggregate and
    Salicylate Resin.

9. How is MTA Fillapex removed from the root canal?
    By the same technique used for conventional canal sealers.

10. How many applications does one syringe provide?
     One double syringe with 4 grams is sufficient for 30 applications.

11. Are the mixing tips that come with the product disposable?
     Yes, the mixing tips must be discarded after use.

12. Must MTA Fillapex be kept in the refrigerator?
      No. The product is sensitive to moisture and should not be kept in the refrigerator.


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