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MTA-Angelus is an endodontic cement composed of several mineral oxides
- Treatment of perforations ( root canal and furcation).
- Sealing of internal resorption and communicating internal resorption.
- Reverse filling in periapical surgery.
- Direct pulp capping and pulpotomy ( permanent and deciduous teeth).
- Apexification and apexigenesis.
- Intracoronal sealing prior to internal bleaching of root canal treated teeth.
- Apical plug prior to root canal filling in case of wide apex.
Ref. 820 MTA - Angelus 7 applications (gray) 1g of MTA - Angelus - 3 ml of distilled water - 01 scoop.
Ref. 821 MTA - Angelus 14 applications (gray) 2g of MTA - Angelus - 3 ml of distilled water - 01 scoop.
Ref. 822 MTA - Angelus White 7 applications 1g of MTA - Angelus White - 3 ml of distilled water - 01 scoop
Ref. 824 MTA - Angelus White 2 applications 0.28 g of MTA - Angelus White - 3 ml of distilled water.
- Release of calcium enhances formation of mineralized tissues; provides biological sealing
  of perforations and total repair of damaged periradicular tissues.
- Only dental material capable of inducing neoformation of periradicular cementu.
- Friendly to humid environment: does not lose properties due to moisture of oral tissues.
- High alcalinity: bactericidal.
- Low solubility: does not disintegrate.
- Biocompatible to oral tissues.
- Adequate compressive strength.
- More radiopaque than dentin and bone.
- Shorter setting time than similar cements.
Techinque for use:
  Reparative cement for endodontic complications.

- SiO2 , K20, Al2O3, Na2O, Fe2O3 , SO3, CaO, Bi2O3, MgO.
- Insoluble residues (crystalline silica, calcium oxide and
  potassium sulfate and sodium).
- The main MTA component is calcium oxide, that in contact
  with the humidity of the environment, be converted in calcium
  Clincker: is a stone obtained in high temperatures and that
contains a high concentration of calcareous and argillaceous materials.
  Photomicrography of a clincker: Blue and brownish crystals are of alita Interstitial phase is white.
- Treatment of radicular perforations.
- Sealer of external and internal communicating reabsorptions.
- Retro-obturator material in para-endodontic surgeries.
- Pulp capping in conservative treatments of the pulp.
- Apexification and apexogenesis inductor.
- Material for intracoronary sealing previous to the dental
- 95Apical plug for endodontic obturation.
- Excellent marginal sealer that avoid bacterial migration and
  penetration of tissular fluids to the inside of the root canal.
- Biological sealing of radicular and furca perforations through
  induction of cement formation.
- Inducing for formation of a dentinal layer when used over the
- Can be use in places with humidity presence, without losing its
In contact with the water forms a colloidal gel that solidifies, forming a rigid structure in a period of 10 minutes. MTA has medium size particles that allows the complete hydration, confirming one of its main advantages, that is, the sealing power.

LEE ET AL - 1993 Average of marginal infiltration in

Potential of Hydrogenization (pH):
Its pH highly alkaline (12.0) makes the oral environment
inhospitable for growth of bacteria, maintaining its antibacterial potential for a long period.

RELEASING CALCIUM IONS Duarte, M.H. et al. OS.v.95, n.3, p.345, 2003

White MTA opacity is higher than the dentine and the bone tissue, and similar to the of gutta-percha, and for that reason its easy to
visualization in the operative and control x-ray.
Radiopacity of the product is provided by the Bismuth Oxide
compound and, for showing larger radiopacity than gutta-percha and dentine, it is easily identified in x-rays.
    The setting time of MTA is in 10 minutes.
It is not necessary to wait its hardening in order to continue
the following procedures. One of the important characteristics of
White MTA is the improvement in its results under moist environment.

In case of extended procedures, the hardening of the cement on the plate may take place, and can be difficult to use. For these situations, it is recommending to protect it with moist gauze.
    Compression Resistance:
- Compression resistance after 28 days is 44.2 MPa.
- MTA reveals acceptable compression resistance values, when
  considering that this material is used in regions with no direct
  occlusal load.

Solubility: (between 0.1 and 1%)
- No significant signs of solubility was observed when in contact
  with humidity, guarantying an excellent marginal sealing.
    Action Mode:
- Inducing the formation of dentinal layer.
- Exclusive material capable to induce neo-formation of cement.
  Reaction of conjunctive tissue of mices to tubules of Dentine obtured with MTA-Angelus. Holland et al, 2001.

Figure 1. Please note MTA Angelus (M) inside the dentine tubule
Close to the surface of the material there is calcite granulations
(arrow). Polarized light. 80 X.
  Figure 2. Note calcite granulations (arrow) inside the dentinal
tubules and the MTA-angelus (M) inside the dentine tubule.
Polarized light. 80 X.
  Figure 3. Note a positive pontic of hard tissue Von Kossa (arrow)
close to the entrance of the tubule. Von Kossa 100 X.
  Figure 4.Ao H.E. We can note basofile areas (arrow)
corresponding to the calcification areas and conjunctive. tissue. with a few chronic type inflammatory cells. H.E. 100 X.
    Previous treatment with Calcium Hydroxide
- In the cases where a previous injury exists, with consequent
  local inflammation, the application of HCal before the treatment
  with MTA, permit us to have control of the severe process and
  the bacterial infection.
- MTA, as any other obturator product, only should be used after
  neutralization of the local adverse reactions (infectious and
  inflammatory processes).
- MTA is sterilized by gamma cobalt rays.
- The subsequent sterilization is dispensable, because the pH of
  the product is highly alkaline (10.2), not allowing the bacterial
    Presence of heavy metals
A heavy metal control process (mainly Arsenic, Lead and Chrome)
is performed during the production of White MTA, to keep the amount of such metals inside the limits permitted by the Health Ministry.
  White MTA
Packing with 1g sachets (07 applications).
Packing with 2g sachets (14 applications).
Packing with 02 sachets (02 applications).

Gray MTA
Packing with 1g sachets (07 applications).
Packing with 2g sachets (14 applications).
Packing with 02 sachets (02 applications).
    To prepare an average portion: one SACHET of the powder MTA-angelus + 01 drop of distilled water.
a - Release a powder portion and a drop of distilled water on a
     sterilized glass plate.
b - Mix both for 30 seconds until obtaining  a perfect
     homogenization of the components.  The obtained
     cement should have a sandy consistence, similar to the
     amalgam, but more humid.
c - Insert the cement in the require place, using a sterile amalgam
     holder or another instrument of professional preference.
d - Condense the material in the prepared dental cavity.
  Perforation Canal, Root or Furca
a. Anesthesia, isolation.
b. Irrigation of the perforation place with sodium hypochlorite.
c. Instrumentation, irrigation and filling of the apical portion of the
    canal up to the perforation place.
  Perforation Canal, Root or Furca
e. Filling the remaining of the root canal;
f. Immediate X-rays control and after 3 to 6 months, during at
least 02 years.
  Treatment of Root Perforations for Internal
Reabsorption ( Canal way) First Session
a - anesthesia, isolation.
b - Access to the canal and the place of the internal
    reabsorption (Fig. 01).
c - irrigation with sodium hypochlorite.
d - removing pulp and granulation tissue.
e- applying calcium hydroxide curative paste [Ca(OH)2 +
    distilled water]. (Fig. 02)
  Treatment of Root Perforations for Internal Reabsorption (Canal way) Second Session
a- Removing of calcium hydroxide with sodium
b- Filling the apical portion of the canal.
c- Prepare White MTA and filling the place of reabsorption
    with the use of condensers or pieces of sterile cotton
d-Immediate X-rays control and after 3 to 6 months for at
   least 02 years.
  Treatment of Root Perforations (Surgical Way) The surgical way is indicated in the cases where there was
failure in the treatment of the perforation using the technique canal way.
Surgical Technique
a- Rising the piece for locating the place of the perforation
b- Preparing the perforation with drills in order to make
    easier the condensation of the material (Fig. 02)
  c- Controlling local bleeding.
d- Preparing MTA-Angelus and applicate in the root cavity
    with condensers (Fig.03).
e- Remotion of material excess (do not irrigate).
f- Suture and immediate X-rays control.
g- X-rays control after 3 to 6 months for at least 02 years.
H- Treatment of Root Perforations (Surgical Way).
  Para-endodontic Surgeries (As Back-filling Material )
Indicated in cases where the conventional endodontic treatment
failed or in cases of impossibility to access to the root canal through coronary way.
Surgical Technique
a- Fragment separation, ostectomy and exhibition of radicular
  Para-endodontic Surgeries (As Back-filling Material)
b- Root resection around 2 to 3mm of the apex.
c- Preparing the retro-cavity, class I.
d- Control of the moist in the environment.
  Para-endodontic Surgeries (As Back-filling Material)
e- Preparing White MTA and application in the place with
   amalgam holder and special apical condensers.
f- Removal of excess material (do not irrigate).
g-Bleeding induction from the periodontal ligament and bone
   tissue for exhibiting the filling of the MTA-Angelus to the blood,
   with the purpose of induce its hardening, this happening under
   humidity presence.
h -Suture and immediate X-rays control.
i - X-rays control for at least years.
  Direct Pulp Capping
The application of White MTA on the pulp in DPC, has an objective, the treatment of the exposed pulp with burs, caries or fractures.
a- Anesthesia.
b- Removal of the caries.
c- Antisepsis of the cavity with sodium hypochlorite.
d- Preparing MTA-angelus.
e- Cover the place of the damage with the MTA-White.
f - Placement of the liner material and temporary restoration.
g- Post-operatory control for checking the vitality pulp.
  Pulpotomy and Apexogenesis
The surgical technique for both cases follows the same sequence
a- Anesthesia, absolute isolation.
b- Access to the pulp chamber, removal of the coronary pulp and
   irrigation with physiologic saline solution.
  Pulpotomy and Apexogenesis
c- Bleeding control.
  Pulpotomy and Apexogenesis
h - Clinical control in relation to the symptoms, and X-rays control
     each 3 months up to the root formation.
i - After the radicular formation has been completed, can be opt for
    conventional endodontic treatment or just restoration of the
    coronary cavity.
  Pulpotomy and Apexogenesis
e - Adapting the applied material with a piece of moist cotton.
f - Protecting the material with a sterile cotton on the material.
g - Temporary restoration.
First Session:
a- Anesthesia, absolute isolation.
b- Access to the pulp chamber, odontometry and biomechanics
   of the root canal, irrigating with sodium hypochlorite.
c- Placing calcium hydroxide paste with distilled water, as intra-
   root curative, for one week.
Second Session:
a- Irrigation with sodium hypochlorite for eliminating the calcium
   hydroxide paste.
b- Drying with absorbent paper cones.
c- Preparing MTA-Angelus.
d- Obturing the canal with cement, condensing it until the apical
    part of the canal using paper cones or apical condensers,
    forming an apical cover of 3 to 4 mm.
e- Immediate X-rays control for checking the correct obturation
f- Place moist cotton piece in the entrance of the canal.
g- Restoration of the tooth with provisory material for 24 hours.
Third Session:
a- Removing provisory restoration and the cotton piece.
b- Obture the remaining root canal, with gutta-percha and
    conventional endodontic cement.
Important TIP: if the walls of the canal are very thin, its reinforcement is recommended, using composite resin.
c- Definitive restoration.
d- Clinical and X-rays control after 3 to 6 months, until confirming
    the formation of the apical hard tissue.
Clinical Cases
1- Sealing ability of MTA, Super EBA, Vitremer and amalgamas root-end filling
Pulpal and periradicular pathoses develop more frequently in consequence of the bacterial contaminaton of these tissues.
2- Microscopic Analysis Of Dog Dental Pulp After Pulpotomy and Pulp Protection
    With Mineral Trioxide Aggregate And White Portland Cement
Recent research in Endodtcs has been focused on the ability of various techniques and materials to enhance optmal tissue healing
3- Healing Of Root Perforations Treated With Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) and
    Portland Cement
Perforatons may occur during endodontc treatment and bring about difcultes for its completon.
4- Comparative Chemical Study Of MTA And Portland Cements
Over the tme, there has been a contnuous search for dental materials that present an ideal combinaton of good mechanical, physicochemical and biological propertes.
5- In Vitro Sealing Ability of White and Gray Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) and
    White Portland Cement Used as Apical Plugs
In some clinical situatons, such as root canal overinstrumentaton, apical resorpton and teeth with open apices, there may be extrusion of the flling material either guta-percha, root canal sealer.
Frequent Doubts
1. Which are the main properties of MTA?
Release of calcium ions: allows formation of mineralized tissues
Highly alcaline: prevents bacterial growth
Low solubility: may be used directly on pulp and periapical tissues
Compressive strength: 44.2 MPa - may be used as base for restorations
Expansion after hydration: seals cavities completely
Setting time (15 minutes): may be used in single appointment
Radiopaque: allows radiographic control

Biocompatibility: may be used directly on living tissues
New formation of cement: only dental material with this capacity
Remineralization of dentin: allows formation of biologic barrier
Biologic sealing of perforations: complete healing of periapical tissues

2. What is the difference between Gray MTA and White MTA?

White MTA has less iron oxide in its composition. This substance is the responsible for the darker color of the Gray MTA. Such reduction in the levels of iron oxide does not interfere with the great properties of the cement MTA.

3. Which are the indications of MTA?
- Treatment of root canal perforation.
- Treatment of furcation perforation.
- Treatment of root canal resorption.
- Retrofilling in periapical surgeries.
- Direct pulp capping.
- Pulpotomy.
- Apexigenesis.
- Apexification.
- Intracoronal barrier during tooth bleaching.
- Apical plug

4. How is MTA applied?
   The consistency of MTA is different when compared to conventional dental materials. Its
   application may be performed with insertion spatulas, amalgam carriers or instruments
   specially designed for MTA handling (e.g., MTA Carrier and MAp System). MTA should
   never be used with a Lentulo spiral because it needs to be directly placed in the area to
   be repaired.

5. Why is the setting time of MTA Angelus faster than of the other brands?
   Since 2002, the setting time of MTA Angelus was modified from 2.5 hours to 15 minutes.
   This reduced setting time is exclusive of Angelus. The concentration of calcium sulfate,
   which is the substance responsible for the long setting time, was decreased. MTA
   Angelus allows final restorative treatment in the same clinical appointment of MTA

6. Can MTA be used as a final root canal final filler?
    MTA does not have a proper consistency (flow) for final root canal filling. Also, after its
    setting, removal would be extremely difficult if reentry is necessary.


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