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   NTC - Endodontics - Materials and Chemicals - ENDOCEM MTA:















1- Fast setting time.
    Initial setting time: 3 min 15 sec.

2- Improved manipulation efficiency.
With high viscosity.

3- Hydraulic property.

4- Less microleakage
    On the part of patented self-neutralizing effect.

5- Antibacterial effect.

6- Ca(OH) 2 effect.

7- Natural pure material and limited manufacturing
Guaranteeing material safety.


2- Isolate the tooth using a rubber dam. Remove a cavity using high-speed burs, under
    constant water cooling.
    Under a rubber dam, complete a cavity preparation outline using high-speed or use hand
    If caries is present, carefully excavate it using a low-speed round bur or an appropriate
    hand instrument.

3- Rinse the cavity and exposure site(s) with 2.6~5% NaOCL. Heavy bleeding may be
    controlled with a cotton pellet moistened with sterile saline.

4- Prepare ENDOCEM MTA according to the mixing instructions. (ENDOCEM MTA shall be
    mixed with physiological Saline in 2:1 ratio). Apply a small amount of ENDOCEM MTA
    over the exposure using an appropriate hand instrument.
    Remove excess moisture at the site with a dry cotton pellet.

5- After five minutes, when the ENDOCEM MTA material is hardened, remove excess
    ENDOCEM MTA using the spoon excavator or the ultrasonic tip. Use resin to restore the

6- At the next appointment, assess the pulp vitality. Pulp vitality and status should be
   assessed radiographically every three to six months or as needed.


2- Under a rubber dam, complete a cavity preparation outline using high-speed burs with
    constant water cooling.
    If caries is present, carefully excavate it using a low-speed round bur or an appropriate
    hand instrument.
    Prepare a radicular cavity.
    Rinse the cavity and exposure site(s) with 2.6~5% NaOCL. Heavy bleeding may be
    controlled with a cotton pellet moistened with sterile saline.

3- Prepare ENDOCEM MTA according to the mixing instructions. (ENDOCEM MTA shall be
    mixed with physiological saline in 2:1 ratio). Fill the root-end cavity with ENDOCEM MTA
    using an appropriate hand instrument.
    Remove excess moisture at the site with a dry cotton pellet.

4- Two minutes after initial hardening has begun, place prefabricated crowns for deciduous


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