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An Endo Revolution
A unique and innovative sequence


Revo-S Revolutionary

Intended for initial endodontic treatments, Revo-S innovates with only 3 instruments.
Its asymmetrical section initiates a snake-like movement of the instrument in the canal.
High performance and simple to use, this sequence is adaped for most root canal anatomies.

The asymmetrical Cross Section more flexibility and less stress


The asymmetrical Cross Section provides less stress on the instrument.


The canal axis has 3cutting edges located on 3 different radiuses: R1, R2 and R3.


The smaller section allows more flexibility, and offers a better ability to negotiate curves


The asymmetrical cross section increases the available volume for upward debris elimination


The instrument woks in a cyclic ways:

1/ Cutting
2/ Debris elimination
3/ Cleaning


A simple protocol for efficient treatments
Basic sequence with only 3 instruments


Apical finishing:

For a successful canal preparation, apical finishing is essential: MICRO-MEGA offers an additional adapted solution with specific instruments: AS30, AS35, AS40.
These instruments enable efficient widening of the apical preparation to .06 taper respecting the preparation performed with SC1, S2 and SU. This finishing enables an improved flow of the irrigating solution promoting efficient disinfection and faciliated obturation.



  Shaping down to the working length: more accurate finishing of the apical 1/3.
  Efficient disinfection: the irrigating solution penetrates to the apical 1/3.
  Optimal cleaning.
  The instruments dedicated to the apical area are tapered at .06.
  Asymmetrical cross section.
  The extended helical machining up to the coronal region enables a continuous bending of the instrument.

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