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   NTC - Endodontics - Instruments – Rotary Files - One shape:












THE new asset in endodontic instruments
Simplicity and safety…

Only one rotary file for your endodontic treatments!


Simplifying your endodontic procedures with complete safety and effectiveness is our primary concern.

One Shape allows for curved canal negotiation with an instrumental and easy dynamic. Its non-working (safety) tip ensures an effective apical progression avoiding obstructions which are often preceded by instrument separation.

The one…
1 single instrument:
Quality root canal shaping with one single instrument with remarkable design.
Rapid treatment: a root canal treatment is approximately 4 times faster than a conventional treatment.
Overall duration of treatment shortened.
Simplification of the endodontic instrument sequence.
It is imperative to let the irrigant act for at least 15 minutes for optimal root canal disinfection
The only…
In continuous rotation
No need to buy an additional specific motor. You can use your traditional endo handpiece placed on your unit or any other endodontic motor with continuous rotation.
An economic principle: use your existing equipment and only buy the One Shape
As a result of clinical use and extensive publication, continuous rotation is a principle known and recognized for almost 20 years.
A dynamic and instrumental behaviour you may have previously experienced.
For your safety…
Scored blister.
Time saving: One Shape is ready for use.
Economic: no prior sterilization before use.
Facilitated handling for assistants.
Controls risk of infections: safety for patients and staff.
And that of your patients!
Single use
- Minimal fatigue along the length of the file virtually eliminates the risk of eparation.
- Simplified handling of instrument sequences.
- It is recommended to use the One Shape instrument for the treatment of only one tooth.
The instrument with variable cross-section
An original and innovative instrument design.
A MICRO-MEGA innovation: the instrument presents a variable cross-section along the blade.
One Shape principle: 3 different cross-section zones.
The first zone presents a variable 3-cutting-edge design.
The second, prior to the transition, has a cross-section that progressively changes from 3 to 2 cutting edges.
The last (coronal) is provided with 2 cutting edges.
Examples of instrument cross-section evolution.
Guided down the glide path by 3 cutting edges, One Shape's flexibility assures a
perfect respect to the original canal path and curvature.
One Shape's variation of cross-sections offers an optimal cutting action in 3 zones
of the canal.
The variable pitch of One Shape reduces instrument screwing effects.
ABC (Anti Breakage Control) is a safety bonus: the instrument will unwind to avoid separation.
Advice and recommendations
Initial Canal Preparation
Once the access cavity is reached (access directly to the canal orifices and suppression of overhangs), the working length is determined with a small diameter precurved stainless-steel instrument (MMC files 10-15) which provide information of the root canal anatomy along with preoperative radiographs and/or apex locator.
If it is not possible to reach the apex with a 15 hand file (MMC 15), then use the G-Files (G1+G2) to quickly and easily establish the canal pathway to the estimated working length.
The removal of coronal constraints can be accomplished by the use of ENDOFLARE
Protocol for use:
Simple and efficient instrument dynamics
Use a slight pecking motion until the working length
has been achieved. In case of resistance in tight canals, use a slightly longer stroke in a pecking motion to achieve additional upward debris removal. If significant resistance is encountered in difficult or curved canals, remove and clean the instrument, replace the irrigant in the canal, and achieve patency with a small hand file (MMC 10) before continuing the root canal treatment.
If necessary, perform an upward circumferential filling.
Check apical patency if necessary.
Irrigate thoroughly with sodium hypochlorite.
The use of MM-EDTA Cream (EDTA cream) is

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