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HERO Shaper
Frequently Asked Questions
1. When should I confirm the working length ?

An initial estimation of the WL can be determined based on the pre-operative X-ray and after the first penetration of the N°. 10 K file (MMC). After this, the HERO Shaper® .06 file can be safely used to prepare the coronal third of the canal. Once most of the interferences have been eliminated, the WL can be determined with greater precision and the HERO Shaper® .04 file can be safely used to prepare the apical third.

2. How do I measure the WL ?
WL is measured using an apex locator such as Apex Pointer™ and/or a pre-operative X-ray.
3. Is it necessary to pass a hand MMC file between eachHERO Shaper® ?
Passing a small-tip-diameter manual file (N° 10 or 15) between each HERO Shaper® makes it possible to determine whether dentine chips or pulp debris are blocking the canal. The use of a hand file is mainly recommended for difficult cases, especially fine canals.


4. Should I verify apical patency ? If so, how ?
Apical patency should be verified at the end of the preparation. A slightly pre-curved hand MMC N° 10 file is especially suitable, generally sufficient and non aggressive for this procedure.
5. Should I always follow the recommended sequences ?
You do not necessarily have to follow the recommended sequences, but it is preferable to do so. However, when an operating difficulty has been over or underestimated, the preparation sequence may be changed for one that uses a sequence of instruments that is better adapted to the difficulty.
6. Is the rotation speed of great importance ?
HERO Shaper® files, like all Ni-Ti preparation instruments, are used at a low rotation speed. The choice of speed is left to the practitioner, but must be between 300 and 600 rpm. It is, however, very important that the rotation speed remains constant and regular.
7. Why the adapted pitch ?
The concept of the adapted pitch used for HERO Shaper® files involves varying the length of the pitch or the cutting portion as a function of taper. The resulting instruments are thus very flexible and perfectly adapted to the work required of them.
8. Why is there no .02 taper as with the HERO® 642 system ?
Since HERO Shaper® files are very flexible, a file with a .04 taper can be introduced down to the apical limit with no danger ofdeviation, which increases the flare of the canal and thus facilitates cleaning and filling.
9. Is there any risk of screwing effect with highly tapered instruments ?
No, because the increased pitch of the .04 taper instrument considerably reduces the screwing risk.
10. What should I do if I want to widen a large canal beyond n° 30 ?
If the canal is straight, the preparation can be continued down to the apex with a .06 file. If not, specific instruments must beused, i.e., HERO Apical® files.
11. Why is the use of a torque control contra-angle or motor unnecessary?
A torque control contra-angle or motor is used to limit torque. In the event of major constraints, for example when the instrument is forced or becomes stuck, the rotation stops. Since the design of the HERO Shaper® files makes them very resistant to breakage, using a torque control contra-angle or motor is not necessary. In addition, the Anti Breakage Control allows the instrument to “unwind” in the event apical blockage occurs, considerably reducing the need for torque control.
12. Should I clean the grooves between two passages ?
Yes. When the grooves are loaded with debris and sludge, HERO Shaper® files are much less efficient. In addition, the riskof “unwinding” rises because the debris-filled grooves prevents the cutting edges from working efficiently.
13. How should I clean the grooves of the HERO Shaper® files ?
You can clean the HERO Shaper® between two passages using a compress soaked in a sodium hypochlorite solution.
14. How many sterilisation cycles can HERO Shaper® files withstand ?
Metal fatigue of HERO Shaper® files is caused more by the number of times the files are used than by the number of sterilisation cycles, so long as the recommended sterilisation conditions, time and temperature are respected.
15. How many canals can I treat with a HERO Shaper® file?
From 6 to 10 canals can generally be treated with a single HERO Shaper® file. However, major constraints can cause premature metal fatigue, which is most often seen with the “unwinding” of the grooves (Anti Breakage Control). It is thus essential to comply with the recommended technique and, especially, to avoid any pressure on the head of the contra-angle causing “unwinding”. It is also important to scrupulously check the files after cleaning and sterilisation. Instruments that show signs of wear and “unwinding” should be discarded.
16. Why the HERO Shaper® are not multi-tapered instruments ?
The HERO Shaper® system is designed for use with the crown-down technique to progressively remove interferences and flare the canal. The system is made up of files with different tapers, each of which is designed for a specific use, i.e., to prepare a specific portion of the canal. Thus, progressive flaring of the canal is achieved. This limits the screw in phenomenon, which generates high stresses and can lead to instrument
17. Can HERO Shaper® files be used for endodontic retreatment (ERT) ?
HERO Shaper® files are not designed for ERT. Their great flexibility means they can be used to prepare any canal, even the most difficult. However, they are not designed to deal with the stresses encountered when ERT is performed. The R-Endo® files, on the other hand, are designed specifically for ERT.

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