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HERO Shaper
What are the benefits of the InGeT® system ?
Very compact head: 6.5 mm diameter and 7.5 mm high.

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Increased visibility of the operative field.
Better visibility of the instrument when it is inserted in the canal and a better vision of the instrument while working. This is particularly useful when treatment is made under magnification (magnifying loupe or microscope).
Considerable reduction of the total length of the instrument + contra-angle head in the mouth.
Exceptional working comfort.



Reduced Visibility

Wide Visibility

Traditional contra-angle

InGet ® contra-angle

Excellent stability in the hand.
Straight handle as an extension of the hand : Better tactile sensitivity. Easy access to the operating field. Better access to posterior teeth. Increased working accuracy.
A head angle especially designed for an excellent visibility and easier work in the most difficult access zones.

Extremely simple head machine:


      - Less interfaces more reliability.
      - Reduced maintenance.

         - Less vibration.
         - Greater ease of cleaning.


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