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HERO Shaper
Instructions for use:

Yellow Sequence



Difficult canals, severely curved, possibly with significant hypercalcification, making any first penetration tricky with the finest hand files.

Red Sequence

Canals of average difficulty with moderate curvature and/or more hypercalcification, making first penetration with a n°10 K file harde to achieve.

Blue Sequence

Easy canal preparation, low curvature, orifice and canal large enough to allow a n°15 K file to reach the Apex.

Rotation speed:
The rotation speed must be 300 to 600 rpm.
First penetration:
The first penetration is performed with a conventional hand instrument (usually a n°10 K file-MMC n°10/21 mm). This is used to confirm the working length (WL), canal anatomy and diagnosis from the pre-operative X-ray.
Canal mineralisation and curvature will determine the treatment difficulty and thus the most suitable instrumentation sequence for the clinical case.
Penetration levels:
.06 taper files are brought to 2/3 of the working length. 04 taper files are brought to WL.
An accurate determination of the working length between the passage of the .06 and .04 file is strongly recommended.
Operating procedure:  
HERO Shaper® is positioned at the canal entrance. The motor is started and maintained at constant speed whilst the file is working and until it is completely withdrawn from the canal.
The file is inserted to the desired working length with a short in and out movement using light pressure.
HERO Shaper® also allows circumferential filing to be achieved which permits the canal anatomy to be taken into account and in particular to shape lateral zones.
It is important to thoroughly irrigate the canal between the passage of successive instruments.

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