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HERO Apical®
Instructions for use:

Use of HERO Apical® is indicated at the end of canal preparation, with a reducing contra-angle at a speed of 300 to 600 rpm or manually.

Both instruments are inserted, one after the other at the apical limit (Working Length) of the preparation. The resultant .08 tapered width ensures a uniform stop for the gutta percha.

In case of thin and curved roots, it might be necessary to use HERO Apical in step back technique. So the progressively tapered canal does not weaken the root.
For thin and curved roots (prepared with HERO Shaper red sequence) .06 HERO Apical® is inserted to WL and .08 HERO Apical® to WL-1mm.
For very thin and very curved roots (prepared with HERO Shaper yellow sequence) .06 HERO Apical® is inserted to WL-1mm and .08 HERO Apical® to WL-2mm.
Operating procedure :
Under irrigation the instrument is placed at the desired length
- At constant speed.
- Using light pressure.
It is withdrawn from the canal whilst rotating.

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