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Hero 642 
Features and benefits:
It is recommended to recapitulate sometimes with hand files to check the enlargement and patency of the whole working length.
It is possible to combine the HERO 642® with the SONIC AIR 1500 (or MECASONIC 1400). In specific cases (very narrow canal, ithmus), vibratory Rispisonic/Shaper will clean better and eliminate the risk of overinstrumentation of thin canal walls.
What are the advantages of the HERO 642® and the "crown-down" technique ?


Three cutting edges for a positive cutting in a curette effect (pumping motion).
A bigger inner core for a stronger instrument and a better resistance to breakage.
A progressive pitch/fluting reducing the screwing-in effect.
Three variable tapers which peel the canal wall on small contact points (less risk of stalling and fracture).
A tip which stays centered in the canal and hardly ever makes contact with the canal walls.
No packing of the smear layer into the tubuli because of cutting edge contact.
To conclude, the HERO 642® method is:
Simple, therefore easy to learn and assimilate.
Secure, because the tip is kept in the centre of the canal.
Versatile, since it can be easily combined with Sonics (MM1500 or Mecasonic MM 1400) or with hand instrumentation.
Economical, because it requires few instruments, the cutting efficiency of which lasts longer.
HERO 642® are rotary instruments and have the limits of all NiTi instruments : they must be visually checked after each use and discarded as soon as they begin to unwind or present any sort of defect or deformation.
Like for all techniques, it is recommended to practice an extracted teeth first, rather than plastic blocks which react differently and tend to provide incorrect results and feel.

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