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Hero 642 
Guidelines and technique:
The HERO 642® is simple, safe, versatile and economic as long as you respect the following instructions.
Catheterism or first penetration:
- Its purpose is to open the first passage and control the depth and working length (WL).
- It can be done with conventional hand instruments of the practitioner's choice.

- In easy or average canals, a file No. 10 or 15 will often be enough to penetrate the canal
  and check the depth.

- In difficult canals, it can be done after using a .06 HERO taper with the benefit of a wider
  access in the coronal area.
Canal Enlargement or the "crown-down" technique
Canals are classified as easy, average or difficult, according to S.W. Schneider's curvature criteria (cf."A comparison of canal preparation in straight and curved canals", Oral Surgery, 1971 ; 32(2) : 271-275) and how hard their penetration can be.
- Easy canals : straight and curved < 5°.
- Canals of average difficulty : curved > 10° and < 25°.
- Difficult canals : curved > 25°.
Easy canals / Blue sequence:
.06 TAPER:
Open pulp chamber, locate and explore orifice opening, determine working length (WL) by using conventional methods.
- Place a .06 taper No 30 HERO in the selected reducing contra-angle.
  Adjust the (black) rubber stop to correspond to 1/2 or 2/3 of the WL. Choose a rotation speed between 300 and 600 rpm end keep it constant.
  Insert the instrument while rotating.
  Proceed apically in a short in and out movement.
  With normal pressure, as if writing with a sharp pencil.
  Penetrate the canal until you reach 1/2. or 2/3 of its depth.
Frequent and abundant irrigation is recommended for best evacuation of debris.
In some difficult cases, canal depth can be measured at this stag : debridement of the coronal half makes penetration of the apical third easier.
.04 TAPER:
- Change to a .04 taper No 30 HERO.
- Adjust the (grey) rubber stop at WL minus 2 mm.
- Use the same constant rotation speed.
- Proceed the same way as before until WL minus 2 mm.
- And combine with a circumferential filing.
Irrigate frequently and abundantly. In presence of difficulty (in particular when resistance is met), recapitulate with a hand file to control access and depth.
.02 TAPER:
- Change to .02 taper No 30 HERO.
- Adjust the (white) rubber stop at WL.
- Use the same constant rotation speed.
- Proceed with the same quick pumping movement until WL.
- Without excessive pressure.
- And combine with a circumferential filing.
In the case of an easy canal, 3 instruments are used (= blue sequence, or HERO 642® No 30).Irrigate and dry the canal for obturation (all methods can be used).
Canals with average difficulty / Red sequence:
- The "crown-down" method remains the same.
- Begin with the instruments N° 25 and follow the red sequence.
- Use 5 instruments.
Difficult canals. Yellow sequence:

- The "crown-down" method remains the same.
- Begin with the instruments N° 20 and follow the yellow sequence.
- Use 6 instruments.
- Whenever required by the morphology of a canal, .02 taper Nos 35, 30, 45 can be used to
  complete enlargement of the apical area.


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