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Apex Pointer +
High Technology Apex Locator



Electronic apex locator applying the latest 21st century high frequency and constant current amplitude technologies, Apex Pointer TM + provides accurate, precise and repeatable root canal length measurements in dry and humid canals.

Single high frequency + constant current amplitude :
- High precision.
- Unconditional stability.
Advantages :
Easy to operate.
Rapid: Apex PointerTM+ requires no calibration and is ready to use immediately after self test has elapsed.
Accurate, reliable and instant measurement whatever the canal anatomy.
The measurement is independent of canal conditions : dry, humid, with blood, saline, hypochlorite, or other liquids.
Large intuitive liquid crystal display (LCD) indicating with gradual progress of the file, increasing accuracy and resolution when approaching the apical constriction.
Stable canal length readings.
The displayed values are directly related to the file tip location in the canal and to its distance from the apical constriction and the apex (foramen).
In flooded canals Apex PointerTM+ indicates the flood situation and turns the dentist's attention to it.

Instructions for use

Indications of the file position are as follows :
Carefully insert the file into the canal. The V shaped scale lines indicate the location of the file tip with respect to the apical constriction and the apex.
Between the apical constriction and the apex the scale is divided into 5 segments. Inserting the file deeper will increase beep sensitivity.

Towards the bottom of the scale, one segment has a clear round spot. This means a reading of 0.5 and indicates the apical constriction.

When the apex is reached the V line marked with 0.0 starts to flash and an intermittent beep starts to alert the dentist.
When the apex is intruded an extra indication below the word APEX starts also to flash and the beep becomes continuous.
Characteristics and specifications
Compact, light weight and wireless.

Autoclavable electrodes.

Auto test feature.

Electronic current limiter guarantees patientís safety.


Low power consumption and automatic power off ensures prolonged battery life.


Changing beep frequencies to indicate the distance from apex between the apical constriction and apex.

  Dimensions : 70x90x120mm

Weight : 220 gr (including batteries)

  Display : 90x35mm LCD
  Power Supply : 6 Volt DC (4x1.5 volt - AA non-rechargeable batteries)
The Apex Pointer + turns itself off after 2 minutes of operation if at least one of the measuring electrodes is not connected to the lip or to the root canal respectively.
Main unit
Measuring cable
2 lip clips
1 file clip
2 touch probes
4 batteries AA 1,5 V

Clinic – vol 26 – Juillet 2005 – Hors Série « J’ai essayé »


Determining the apical terminus of root-end resected teeth using modern apex locators: a comparative ex vivo study
International Endodontic Journal, 38, 827-833, 2005


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